Exhibitor Agreement


State of the Art Gallery

120 West State Street, Ithaca, New York  14850



24th Annual Photo Show Exhibitor Agreement   Feb.27-Mar.31,2013

Please print clearly

Name of Exhibitor_____________________________________________________


Work(s) submitted: print clearly

Title                                                               Media                                      Price








Exhibition Agreement

1 The artist/exhibitor agrees to deliver their work(s) to the Gallery at the published date. and time. The exhibitor will abide by the rules of the gallery regarding presentation and suitability for hanging as stated in the Call for Entries. Final approval of the criteria is the responsibility of the Gallery Board of Directors. 

2 The Gallery will provide an exhibition opening/reception for the artists with refreshments and an Award Ceremony. Exhibition announcements will be provided by the Gallery and sent to the Gallery list.  Show announcements will also be posted on the gallery web site and Facebook.

 3 While the State of the Art Gallery, its members and agents, will make reasonable efforts to protect the work(s) of an exhibitor, the Gallery cannot indemnify the work(s) against loss or damage. In submitting and agreeing to exhibit the work(s) in the Gallery the exhibitor agrees that the State of the Art Gallery, its members, Board of Directors, or agents will not be held liable and will be held harmless should there be damage or loss of work(s).

4. The exhibitor agrees that the work(s) of the exhibitor may be reproduced for the purpose of advertising the exhibition for a period not to exceed five years.

5 It is agreed that the exhibitor may conduct sale of the work(s) from the exhibition. The Gallery will act as facilitator through it’s members who staff the Gallery during regular gallery hours. For the service, the Gallery receives a 30% commission on the sale of all displayed work.


6. The show ends Sunday, March 31.  Work must be picked up between noon and 5pm that day.  The gallery cannot store the works.


EXHIBITOR SIGNATURE______________________________________________DATE_______


GALLERY REPRESENTATIVE_________________________________________DATE_______


PHOTO Returned signature _____________________________________________DATE_______



If you print this form ahead of time, please bring 2 (two) copies with your work.

Forms will also be available at the gallery.

Photo Show FAQ’s


1.  Should my entries represent a particular kind of photographic approach?

No.  They may be traditionally or digitally produced and printed. There are no content, size or age specifications either.   Manipulations of the image are acceptable as long as they begin with a photographic process. Scanned images are acceptable.


2.  How much paperwork is there to fill out?

We have two forms.  The first is the Call for Entries that is published on the gallery web site about two months before the deadline for submissions and sent via e-mail to the gallery mailing list.   The second is an Exhibitors Agreement, a form on which the entrant gives us complete contact information, information about the work being submitted, the relevant dates during the show, and the agreement concerning the works between the gallery and the entrant.  That form is filled out when the entrant brings their work to the gallery with payment for their entry fee.  It may be filled out ahead of time but please bring two copies with your work. 


3.  Why do you need three labels on each photograph submitted?

We do ask for three labels.  One must be permanently affixed to the back of the photograph and two temporarily affixed with tape to the edge of the frame so that they hang down over the front of the photograph.  The label on the back assures that we know the owner of the photograph when the show comes down. From the front, we take one of the labels to make our standard show wall labels. The second is used to make sure we place the right wall label with the correct photograph, then the second comes off as well.


4.  How many photographs from each entrant do you usually accept into the show?

It varies according to the jury.  There is no set rule.  Sometimes we take two, sometimes one and sometimes the jury decides that neither entry will be chosen for the show.  The jury strives to upgrade the quality of the show each year so there is no guarantee given to any entrant.


5.  Why should the work I submit be recent? 

As we noted above, we try to make sure that each year the show represents the best work possible and not simply agree to show anything submitted.  The more current the work is, the more likely it will represent current photographic trends and practice.


6.  How much does presentation count when the jury looks at my work?

A lot!  Poor matting, framing or lack thereof can seriously diminish the chances of an image being chosen for the show.  In general, standard gallery approaches to matting and framing should be followed.  Narrow black,, wood an/ or metal frames are preferred that compliment the photograph while not dominating it.  Mats that are well proportioned in relationship to the photograph and frame help and allow the jury to focus on the photograph.  The photographs should be under glass or plexi-glass.  Non-colored mats are also preferred because they focus the attention on the photograph and not the mat.  Mats should extend on average from 1 1/2 to 3 inches from edge of the photograph to the edge of the frame. This is not a hard and fast rule, just a general acknowledgment of good presentation practice.  Frames need not be expensive, just simple, professional looking and complimentary of the work.  The work must be ready to hang which generally means a wire across the back or clearly identified devices from which to hang the work.  Finally, the jury reserves the right to turn down any submission that is not presented in a professional manner, exclusive of the content.


7.  Are your rules and deadlines for submission of work hard and fast?

Absolutely.  We accept no entries after published deadlines.  The jury begins it’s work very soon after the deadline for entries passes so it’s really not fair to those who manage to get their work in on time if we accept late entries.  Also, two entries means two entries.  Every year a few people try to convince us to take more than the allotted two entries.  We don’t.


8.  How does the jury and prize process work?

After all the entries are in, a panel of members from the gallery made up primarily of experienced photographers, decide what will be accepted for the show.  After the show is hung, a prize judge, selected from outside the membership of the gallery, looks at the show and she or he decides how the prize money will be awarded.  The prize judge is different each year. We try to find experienced, respected and successful photographers and/or teachers of photography and imaging arts in order to make the experience for the entrants a meaningful process.


9.  If my work is rejected an/or accepted does it diminish my chances for being accepted in future shows?

Absolutely not!  We encourage everyone to enter each year.  Being rejected is not an indication that your work will be rejected in future years nor does acceptance or winning a prize in a given year guarantee acceptance the following year or years.  Each year the jury may be different as is the prize judge. For many artists/photographers rejection from a given show can provide insight and creative stimulus to change and/or see a path for improvement in their work.  However, one should not change a direction if the belief in that work is strong and directed.  As we noted, a different jury in all likelihood may have different criteria for judging.


10.  Does it help if my work is for sale?

Yes!  It has no bearing on whether or not the work is accepted into the show but we encourage everyone to offer their work for sale.  It enhances the value of the show and helps to promote the idea that it is a relevant, professional offering.  That being said, we will not reject a good work if the artist does not want to offer it for sale.    


Call for Entries: 24th Annual Photo Show


Exhibit Dates: Wednesday, February 27 through Sunday, March 31, 2013

Up to $600 may be awarded at the discretion of the prize judge.

Submission Deadline: Sunday, February 10, 2013, by 5p.m.



• Each entrant may submit up to two (2) works.

• All work should be reasonably current and original.

• If accepted into the show, the work must be delivered ready to hang (matted, framed with glass 

or plexiglass in front and with a wire or suitable hardware for hanging in the back).

• A photographic process must have been used in the production of the work. (Scanned work

is acceptable, digital art that did not originate from a photographic process-is not).

• The work should not have been submitted to SOAG in the past.

• Current SOAG members and their immediate families are not eligible to exhibit in this show.

• The Entry Fee of $35.00 is non-refundable and does not guarantee that your work will

be accepted into the show.

• The Entry Fee can be paid by PayPal


or by check made out to:  State of the Art Gallery , postmarked by February 10,2013 and mailed to:

David Watkins Jr.

201 Hillview Place

Ithaca, New York 14850


• Work will not be accepted after the stated deadlines.



Please mail/e-mail your entries to: David Watkins Jr. at:   dow1@cornell.edu

Contact Information: List the Artist Name, Address, phone number, and e-mail address in the body of the e-mail.

• Images of up to two (2) works can be submitted.  They must be jpegs at 150 pxi, between

800 and 1200 pixels on the long side and labeled with the artist’s name, followed by the image

number 01 or 02. (example: d.watkins01.jpg, d.watkins02.jpg)

An image list (Filename, Title, Framed Size, Medium, Price) must also be submitted with all entries.

• If submitting by e-mail is problematic, please send a CD with your fee and all information as

outlined above.  CD’s cannot be returned. Do not send prints.


ACCEPTED WORK: Deadline and Notifications

All entries must be received by 5pm Sunday, Feb.10, 2013 and will be jury-reviewed

by Friday, Feb.15th,   E-mail notification of results will be sent Feb. 16-17, 2013.

• The exhibit will be curated by members of the gallery. After installation a Judge from outside      the gallery will determine prizes and how the prize money will be distributed.  Winners may be notified privately prior to the opening reception so that they may plan to attend the award ceremony.  The awards will be presented at 6:30pm during the opening reception Friday,

March 1,2013.



• The work, ready for hanging, must be delivered to the gallery in person or by a

designated substitute on:

Sunday, February 24 between noon and 5 pm; or

Monday, February 25 between noon and 4 pm. 

• Work cannot be accepted after 4pm Monday as installation of the show begins shortly after.

• Work may not be shipped or mailed to the gallery.

• The gallery retains the right to deny access to the show if the images delivered are substantially

different from those submitted to the jury.  



Submissions to the SOAG 23rd Annual Juried Photography Show shall imply an agreement on the part of the artists to all conditions of this prospectus. Permission for SOAG to photograph accepted works for publicity, education, and reference purposes is assumed. 



Sale of the work is encouraged. Work will be offered for sale with the understanding that there is a 30% commission for each sale.  Work that is sold during the show should remain on display until the end of the show.  Exceptions may be made for sales to out of town buyers.



While the State of the Art Gallery, its members and agents will make every effort to protect

your work, we cannot indemnify you against loss or damage to your work. In submitting to

the show you agree that the State of the Art Gallery is not liable and must be held harmless if

your work is damaged or lost.


PICK-UP of ART at the END of the SHOW

• All works must be retrieved personally by artists or designated associates on:

Sunday, March 31st from 1pm-5pm.

• Please understand that the gallery has no facility to store your work.



February 10, 2013, 5pm.         Deadline for all entries.

February 16-17, 2013              Notification of acceptance/rejection.

February  24, 2013                  Delivery of works 12-5 pm

February  25, 2013                  Delivery of works 1-4 pm 

February  27, 2013                  Exhibit opens

March 1,   2013                       Opening Reception 5-8 pm

March 1,   2013                       Awards ceremony 6:30 pm

March 31, 2013                       Exhibit closes

March 31, 2013                       Pick up work 1-5 pm


Call for Entries, FAQs, and Exhibitor Agreement are on the web site: www.soag.org




Winner of the People’s Choice Award: Julie Rosa for “Nuptial”

Awards by Rick Pirozzolo Executive Director of the Arnot Art Museum, Elmira

James Cogbill “Sunrise”

Patrick McPhee “Page Brook”

Mavin Ambrose “Keeper of Secrets I”

Gizem Izroy “Waiting for the Miracle”

Linda Andrei “Lean on Me”

Sylvia Taylor “I Denied Everything”

State of the Art held its Regional Juried Small Works Show during December.  This show featured all media (except photography which has it own juried show each March) and the gallery awarded $600 in prizes.  A reception for the artists was held Friday, December 7 from 5-8pm with an awards ceremony at 6:30pm.  Show dates were December 5-23, 2012.  S

OAG is located at 120 W. State Street in Ithaca.  There is curbside parking and the gallery is ADA accessible.  Hours:  Wed. – Fri., 12-6pm and Sat. & Sun., 12-5pm.  Closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.  Contact info:  607-277-1626 and www.soag.org

Art Trail Show

The State of the Art Gallery features artists of the Greater Ithaca Art Trail October 3-28, 2012.  This is a great chance to preview the Art Trail artists’ work in one place before choosing which studios to visit.  Seeing the actual work often has a greater impact than just viewing it on a computer screen and every year many people do their “Art Trail research” at the gallery.  Art Trail open studio weekends are October 6/7 and 13/14.  In the Salon we have the monthly members’ show of paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, collage, sculpture and more! You can find all the artists at www.arttrail.com. 

A reception for all participating artists will be held Friday, Oct. 5, 5-8pm with a wine tasting hosted by Sheldrake Point Winery.

Art Trail Show at SOAG

The State of the Art Gallery features artists from the Ithaca Art trail October 5-30th.  Preview the Art Trail members’ work in one place before choosing which studios to visit.  Seeing the actual work often has a greater impact than just viewing it on a computer screen, and every year many people do  their “Art Trail research” at the gallery.

Location: 120 W. State St., Ithaca, NY

Opening Reception:  Friday, October 7, 5-8pm

Gallery hours:  W-F, 12-6pm, Sa & Su 12-5pm

Art trail weekends are October 8/9 and 15/16, 11:am-5:00pm each day.

Soag Raffle 2011

Raffle Winners Announced!

Meleny Peacock         Janet Sherman View From Studio Window Late Fall

Barbara Shew              Carol Ast May Hillside/Cornell Plantations

Donn Carroll                Jan Kather Untitled

Sally Grubb                  Mary Ann Bowman Fish Friends

Carolyn Dillon            Elisabeth Gross-Marks The Blue Circle

Mark O’Malley             Patty Porter Wyers Point

Sheila Stone                 Diana Ozolins August: Ausable Point

Dee Alary                     Jim Spitznagel Horse

Caitlan Hostetter      Eva Capobianco Nested

Amy Bentz                   Ethel Vrana Ithaca Winter

Kerry Mizrahi             Barbara Mink Tree

Carol Rubenstein       Yvonne Piburn Three Trees 1

Rick Schuler                 Mary Schuler The Tetons

John Rudan             Daniel McPheeters Spiral Tree Triskele

Jennifer Gerner       Terry Plater Of Red Ages

Julia Czerwinski       Margaret Nelson Hnaging Basket

Mary Kane                 Marian Van Soest Pomegranate and Persimmon

Eric Skalwold           Leslie Brill Boris

Deb Dudick               Ileen Kaplan Single Rose

Kate Gefell               Stan Bowman Green Hayrolls

Joni Spielholz        Frances Fawcett Surface Tension

Michael Maxwell     Sheryl Sinkow Yellow Rose

Stan Bowman           David Watkins Jr. A Rose By Any Other..

Alison Brill               Stephan Phillips Iron and Bell

The Itinerant Artist Project

SOAG to sponsor nationally known artist Jim Mott’s Itinerant Artist Project

More on Jim Mott

Jim Mott first conceived of his Itinerant Artist Project (IAP) in the late 1990s, while visiting Ithaca. This summer Mott returns to the Ithaca area at the invitation of State of the Art Gallery, for an IAP residency and exhibit.

Mott and his project have received national attention, including features on the “Today” show (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/22472628/ <http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/22472628/> ) and in American Artist.
For one month out of the year, Mott makes a road trip somewhere in the United States, staying with voluntary hosts for two to five days and painting small location paintings, one of which is offered in exchange for the hospitality provided.

Mott will be in Ithaca from August 25-September 7, 2011.  He is still looking for a host or two for his “painting stops” (contact him at jhmott@juno.com or State of the Art at 607-277-1626).

Paintings he makes during this residency will be exhibited at State of the Art in September as part of one the gallery’s two yearly members’ shows.  This exhibition opens Friday, September 2, Gallery Night in downtown Ithaca.

On Sept. 7 at 7pm, he will give a gallery talk about his art and experiences. In addition, he will hold a painting workshop which, he says, will be a double feature that combines his two most popular topics:  “Simple and Direct:  Small Panel Painting for Artists on the Go” and “The Shadow Landscape: Painting Dusk and Night”. It will be held from 5:30-8:30pm on August 31 at the Ithaca Farmer’s Market.  The cost is $35 plus a nominal materials fee for gesso panels.

An interview with Mott on “Out of Bounds” will air Thursday, Sept. 15, at 7pm on WEOS-FM and Sunday, Sept 18, at 11:30am on WSKG-FM.  For more information on Jim Mott and the Itinerant Artist Project, please go to his web site:  http://www.jimmott.com/

About the IAP, Mott says:  “It has been pivotal for my development as an artist. Besides giving me new ways to think about my role as a painter, and as a mediator between art and place and public, the touring has stimulated unexpected productivity, and the resulting artwork has drawn local and national attention.”


PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PRINTS, WATERCOLORS, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS AND MORE will be shown by STATE OF THE ART MEMBERS in their second group show of 2011. Show dates for the September Members’ Show and Jim Mott’s paintings from his Ithaca Residency are August 31 through October 2, 2100.

The Effect of Electronics on Art

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The SOAG Public Events Committee has invited three people to discuss how
electronics have affected their art making, as well as how electronics have
broadened the definition of what constitutes “art.” In addition the artists
will discuss how they reach their audiences by communicating electronically.
The panel discussion will take place at the State of the Art Gallery on
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 7p.m..

Tammy Renee Brackett , Alfred, N.Y.
Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Animation at Alfred State College

Tammy’s installations are sometimes based on sound, sometimes video, and
often incorporate more traditional materials as well. She is known as a
media artist who relies on the world of technology to create her art.
Brackett has exhibited in Japan, Croatia, Hungary, China and the United
States and was included in the Albright-Knox Art Gallery’s biennial
exhibition, Beyond/In Western New York in 2005 and 2007.

Rhonda  Morton, Corning, N.Y.
Founder of Alligator Mouth Improv

Rhonda received a NYSCA artist grant last summer to produce “Performance Deli: Art  Made to Order” <http://www.alligatormouth.com/performance-deli> which included “on-line orders” of improvisations that  were videotaped and posted to YouTube. Customers were emailed the link to watch the performance purchased.  She is also developing support for Alligator Bites http://www.alligatormouth.com/bites, a new worldwide educational project, through Kickstarter http://kck.st/9Joeo9.  She uses  technology in her improvisational pieces, including video screened on a 20-foot fabric scrim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqXQsnwurwU.

John Criscitello, Ithaca, N. Y.
Founder of Video/Art/Ithaca

John, a mixed media artist whose interests range from sculptural
installation, video art, painting and drawing, is the founder of the
quarterly screening of video and short film called Video/Art/Ithaca. He
began working with video during a residency at Sculpture Space in Utica, NY
1992 and has shown his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions.
Currently his work reflects a continuing exploration of the place of
spirituality in a world filled with loss. He continues to delve into the
endless possibilities that digital media hold for the artist today.

20th Annual Juried Photography Show

Friday, March 6 through Sunday, March 29, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

2009 Exhibitor Agreement

  • Submit up to two works.
  • All work should be current and original, ready to hang (matted, framed, glass or plexiglass in front, and a wire or other suitable hardware for hanging in back), and must have used a photographic process in the production. The works should not have been submitted to the State of the Art Gallery (SOAG) in the past. Current members of SOAG are not eligible to exhibit in the show.
  • The entry fee is $30.00, non-refundable, and does not guarantee that your work will be shown. Bring cash or a check made out to “State of the Art Gallery” with your entries.
  • We do not accept mail entries; all entries must be delivered in person.
  • Each entry must have three labels. TWO attached to the FRONT of the work and ONE to the BACK with the following information (please print carefully):
    • Name of the artist
      Title of the work
      The year in which the work was produced
      Medium ( e.g. “silver gelatin print”, color print, Giclee print)
      Retail price ( if you are not selling the print, write NFS )
  • The SOAG commission on sales is 30%.

Please note: While the State of the Art Gallery, its members and agents will make reasonable efforts to protect your work, we cannot indemnify you against loss or damage to your work. In submitting your work you agree that the State of the Art Gallery is not liable and must be held harmless if your work is damaged or lost.

Submission of work to the gallery

  • Sunday, March 1, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and/or
    Monday, March 2, from 3:00 to 7:00 pm.
  • No work will be accepted after times listed above.
  • Work not juried into the show must be picked up on Thursday, March 5, between the hours of 2:00 and 7:00pm.

Selection and Prize Criteria

  • A minimum of $500. in prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the prize judge.
  • Works will be judged on artistic vision, technical merit and quality of presentation

An opening reception will be held on Friday, March 6, 2009, 5:00-8:00 pm at the gallery. Prizes will be awarded at 6:30 pm.

The show ends Sunday, March 29, 2009.

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