Winner of the People’s Choice Award: Julie Rosa for “Nuptial”

Awards by Rick Pirozzolo Executive Director of the Arnot Art Museum, Elmira

James Cogbill “Sunrise”

Patrick McPhee “Page Brook”

Mavin Ambrose “Keeper of Secrets I”

Gizem Izroy “Waiting for the Miracle”

Linda Andrei “Lean on Me”

Sylvia Taylor “I Denied Everything”

State of the Art held its Regional Juried Small Works Show during December.  This show featured all media (except photography which has it own juried show each March) and the gallery awarded $600 in prizes.  A reception for the artists was held Friday, December 7 from 5-8pm with an awards ceremony at 6:30pm.  Show dates were December 5-23, 2012.  S

OAG is located at 120 W. State Street in Ithaca.  There is curbside parking and the gallery is ADA accessible.  Hours:  Wed. – Fri., 12-6pm and Sat. & Sun., 12-5pm.  Closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.  Contact info:  607-277-1626 and

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