“Landscape and Light,” a show of photographs by David Watkins, Jr. opens June 30 and runs through August 1, 2010, at State of the Art. These photographs are from several of the photographer’s favorite places: his own perennial garden, the Maine coast and woods and country around Laramie, Wyoming. Watkins says: “In this show I’ve tried to exhibit a range of images all based on how the light at the time affected my own response. Most of the images in the show have a strong graphic sense. Some represent just a mood or experience while out with the camera…some a more manipulated, graphic representation of the original image.”
A reception for the artist will be held Gallery Night, Friday, July 2, 5-8. Watkins will be sitting at the gallery July 2, 3,10, 31 and August 1. Hours: Tues. – Fri., 12-6pm, Sat. & Sun., 12-5pm. The gallery is ADA accessible with curbside parking.