“On the Leading Edge,” a two-person show of work by artists Jan Kather and Stan Bowman will open at State of the Art April 4 and run through April 29, 2012. A reception for the artists will be held at the gallery Friday, April 6, Gallery Night in downtown Ithaca, from 5-8pm with a cider tasting hosted by Bellwether Hard Cider of Trumansburg.
Spanning the gamut from traditional silver prints to incorporating digital video as a sculptural element, Kather will be “testing the waters” with abstract photographic imagery and sound in this installation. Bowman, although a long time photographer, is exploring new technology in the form of iPad images. These are abstract images created and drawn by hand on the iPad, augmented with a variety of iPad apps.
More information and imagery from these artists: www.jankatherphotography.com // www.stanbowman.com